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The Azure CSP

Migrating customers to the Azure Cloud Solution Provider program allows you to offer an ecosystem of additional products and add significantly more value.

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The Service

How ALSO can help

ALSO migration assessment helps resellers and customers migrate their existing Azure non-Cloud Solution Provider resources and subscriptions to CSP subscriptions to realize the full potential of a new relationship with Microsoft.

Phase 1

Assessment and planning provides insights on current infrastructure and their readiness to move to CSP subscription as well as steps that need to be performed for migration to be successful.

Phase 2

Migration support and post-migration follow-up phase is intended to support the customer with the creation of destination Azure setup in such a way that supported resources can be moved as well as for unsupported resources workarounds will be identified.

Target Market

ALSO migration assessment is intended for partners and their customers that want to migrate any other subscription to CSP subscription to leverage the pricing model available in the CSP program.

Advantages for Reseller and End-Customer

Resellers can offer high-quality professional service to the customer to build a foundation for a long-term relationship.

End-Customers can order professional support service for migration between subscriptions. Based on Microsoft best practices and with experienced consultants.

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